Family of 5 would like to join Baugruppe for Dietenbach

28.01.2024 | 15:14

Hi everyone,
we are an Italian family living in Göttingen since 10 years. We would love to move to Freiburg and be a part of the community in the new Dietenbach neighbourhood. We picture a place where our kids (currently 8, 5 and 1 years old) can walk out of the door to go to their friends' houses, cycle to school, to the park and to a sport centre. We would like our autonomy within a shared building to be more environmentally efficient, but also have human connections with our neighbours, be able to help each other with everyday life issues and share a good meal every once in a while!
We are currently in the phase of looking for new jobs (possibly remaining in research, but also exploring new environments), so we are starting to slowly put in place changes in order to move to Freiburg in two-three years or so.
We would like to hear from you!



Alle Stadtteile, Dietenbach (neuer Stadtteil)

Wer bin ich:*


Was suche/biete ich?*

Interessent_innen für eine Baugruppe

Was ist mir dabei wichtig?*

Wohnen im Eigentum, Wohnen für Familien, Wohnen und Arbeiten, Ökologisches Bauen, Inklusives Bauen

Was ist der aktuelle Stand?*

In der Planungsphase

Was sind meine genauen Vorstellungen?

Build a house for different families, maybe multi-generational, to create a home for our children in which to have meaningful connections with other people, respect and help the environment, and live active but relaxed lives.

Wie bin ich zu erreichen? (Mailadresse, Telefonnummer, Webauftritt angeben)